there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The house hunt

I've been obsessing about moving. We have never lived anywhere as long as we have lived in this apartment. 3 and 2/3 years and an extra kid later, I am ready to get out.

Unfortunately, being the end of winter/mud season, there isn't a lot on the market. And I've entered into this bad habit of compulsively looking at what is available and fantasizing about how it would be to live there, only to have my hopes dashed when I do a drive-by.

Sample reactions:

"Oh! This house was built for midgets!"

"Oh... That's what they mean by '2 miles up Putney Mountain Road'." (This house also apparently has a brook running through it instead of next to it. No thanks.)

"The taxes are what?!"

"How nice. The neighbors have a dead car collection."

So imagine my surprise when my expectations were actually met, if not exceeded today when I drove out to look at what used to be a one room schoolhouse. (This would make my homeschooling so much more legitimate, don't you think?) It even had a clothesline already installed! (I really don't ask for much.) There was a nice little deck on the back with built in benches and table. Sebastian actually gave it his approval. It seemed like a much more realistic fantasy than the others had been.

Except that I think we'd have to convince them to take $20,000 off their asking price. Which may be a little unrealistic. Especially considering they just lowered it by $10,000.


Listmaker said...

now's the time to buy. they'll take the money off. or maybe jeremy can do some sort of laundering scheme while in costa rica to come up with the extra dough?

Moment said...

hey, where is that house? you should go for it. everyone's saying "it's a buyer's market". it can't hurt to try if you really love it!!!
(also you should check the response to the comment you left for me. hehe.)

princess cortney said...

give it a whirl. the worst they can say is no. i say do it. and if it is meant to be it will be.

shawn said...

i agree with all previous comments and i must see a picture of this house!