there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter prep

We will be trying a new method of egg dyeing this year. Remember those beets I cried about the other day when I was sick? Well, I soaked the peelings in some water to get the pinky red dye in the top container. The really dark purple in the bottom container is from some boiled red cabbage (which is far too smelly to be eaten). From what I hear, the beet juice should make pink and the cabbage will make a robin's egg blue. I will update later when the dyeing is complete.
This is the present I knit for the kids. A sleepy turquoise blue bunny. Perhaps this will alleviate some of the fighting over Sheena. I still have a huge bag of stuffing left over, but I think this will be it for stuffed creatures for now. I do have that blanket to work on after all.


princess cortney said...

that is the cutest bunny i ever saw!

Clockwatcher said...

Cute bunny! A few years ago I made eggs like that too. Turmeric makes a lovely orange/yellow....

q said...

i wish had a allison original snuggle buddy...