there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cutie cutie stuff

My package from* came yesterday. Now I am fully stocked with cutie stationery and my wonderful new mug. Jeremy cracked both of my favorite cappuccino mugs and now that cappuccinos are no longer in fashion, I was having a terrible time trying to replace them. I have been using the teacup seen on the far right with the blue swirls. It was fine, but when I saw this mug, I just had to have it. It reads, "A delightful day. My mind is paralyzed." If you get half as much enjoyment from that statement as I do, your day is looking brighter already. This is a part of the Dreamy Friends series, but you can also find other characters, such as the Poop Friends.
If anyone wants a letter from yours truly on paper which may or may not contain the phrase "we present you small happiness", just let me know.
*Special thanks to Sujan who told Jeremy about this site.


hazzardous topics said...

I've just spent 45 minutes looking at this website. I will never get that time back, and I don't regret even a second. It totally brought me back to my sticker collecting, jordace bag wearing days. Plus how great is your hubby and his friend Sujan.

hazzardous topics said...

Sorry not jordace, Jordache bag, and man do I wish I still had that bag.