there'll be days like this

the children are short, the days are long

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's tough being 5

Poor Sebastian. He's been having quite a week.

Remember the knight costume he bought on Friday? Well, shortly after I posted about our trip to the toy store, the boy lost his mind. He was totally crazed and angry and crying. Then, from half a room away, I realized I could smell the fumes coming from that plastic armor. It was awful! The boy was high as a kite in the worst way. So now we have to go back out to Keene today to exchange it for the fabric one I wanted him to get in the first place. This is very disappointing for him, but I said he could get the individually packaged plastic sword if he'd like to go with his tunic.

Then, yesterday after dinner, Daddy took the boys for a walk around the neighborhood. We still have a lot of "snow" which is now really just granulated ice. It looks and feels like rock salt, but melts in your hand. Sebastian was apparently sliding down a huge pile of the stuff on his butt and Jeremy told him to go one more time and then they had to leave. He decided to go down on his belly, but went so fast that his feet went over his head and he tumbled onto his face with this as the result:
Lots of little scrapes all over his sweet face. He was very brave about having it cleaned and having antibiotic ointment applied. But it's still no fun.


princess cortney said...

poor guy. good thing he is so cute to begin with.

jamie said...

and the countdown to broken bones! although i don't think either Gamera or I ever broke a bone growing up, so maybe he'll inherit that luck somehow.